pietnastkowicze z lodzi

Students of the Łódź XV Secondary School visit Israel a fifth time

Twenty people from the Łódź XV Secondary School visited Israel from 4 to 12 November 2016 at the invitation of the Yarden High School from Ma’ale Efrayim in the Jordan Valey and the Pisgat Zeev High School from Jerusalem. The Polish students were hosted by Israeli students whom they met in Łódź in September.

The programme of the visit included, among others, sightseeing tours of places linked to Christian religious and cultural heritage. The students travelled around Galilee and visited Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
The participants of the project also learnt the history of ancient Israel by visiting Masada, the Western Wall and Qumran. They also had the opportunity to learn about Muslim culture by ascending the Temple Mount and seeing a mosque.
The programme also featured a visit to Yad Vashem, begun by a meeting with father Romuald Waszkinel/Jakub Weksler. The students saw the exhibition in the New Historical Museum and took part in a workshop on discovering traces of memory in the present day, conducted by Adina Shtoyer.
The Polish students met their Israeli counterparts during the trip. The young people from both countries participated in historical workshops, toured the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem, had fun together and discussed history and the challenges of today. The Polish group also took part in the ceremony commemorating the death of Yitzhak Rabin, a former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and then in solemn celebrations at the Yarden High School, where both sides expressed gratitude to each other for many years of fruitful cooperation.

Project Coordinator: Barbara Matusiak
Teachers from Poland :Aneta Jachimowska and Dominika Maciaszek
Teachers from Israel: Naomi Doron and Elishevie Paran

Detailed information about the visit is available in the report