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Jukebox, Jewkbox! A Jewish Century on Shellac and Vinyl

A new exhibition in the Polin Museum opened on 3 February 2017 and will be available to visitors until 29 May 2017. Tickets can be obtained online or in the museum. The exhibition presents the history of the record industry and the 20th-century popular music while focusing on the immense contribution to the field made by Jewish producers, composers and artists.

The exhibition will resound with cantorial music (owing to the invention of a gramophone suddenly present at the homes of the Jewish middle class), songs from the Yiddish theatre, popular songs from films, revues and musicals. It will also present jazz, folk as well as powerful pieces sung by punk rebels.
Visitors to the exhibition will have an opportunity to get to know not only the authors, but also the listeners of the music presented in the exhibition; the people, involved with Jewish culture on both personal and professional levels, will talk about songs which exerted an impact on their lives. Their stories concern not only the music itself, but also the experience of being a Jew in the 20th century.

More information on the website of the Muzeum Polin