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The main celebration of the 20th Day of Judaism Kielce, 17 January 2017

Jubilee ceremonies of the 20th Day of Judaism in the Catholic Church in Poland will take place in Kielce on 17 January 2017. The celebration will be accompanied by a verse from Jeremiah 20, 7: “You enticed me, O Lord, and I was enticed.”

The programme features prayer at the monuments commemorating Holocaust victims and a panel discussion of Catholic theologians and rabbis. Also, a God’s Word service will take place in the Cathedral in the afternoon, including commentaries by rabbis and Catholic theologians, as well as a sermon by Bishop Mieczysław Cisło. This will be followed by a concert of Jewish music and song, featuring cantor Symcha Keller from Łódź.
The programme of the ceremonies has been prepared by Father Professor Przemysław Kantyk of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The organisers of the event are the Kielce Bishopric, the city authorities and the Polish Council of Christians and Jews.

More information on the website of the Polish Episcopal Conference