amal hadera

Students from the Amal Hadera High School in Israel visited the St. Jadwiga Liceum in Kielce

The Israeli school visited Kielce for the sixth time. The meetings take place as part of the programme Retaining Memory. The History and Culture of Two Nations, coordinated by the Polish Centre for Education Development and the Israeli Yad Vashem Institute.

Students from Kielce and Hadera met in the Kielce school on 31 March 2017. The programme of the event included an integration workshop, sport activities and dance lessons. Around 200 Israeli students and almost all students of the Kielce school took part in it.

At the end of the meeting both groups took part in a ceremony prepared by the Kielce school, held at the Jewish cemetery by the monument of the victims of Nazi crimes and the grave of the victims of the Kielce pogrom.

The coordinator: Sister Alicja Furczyk.

Detailed information about the visit available in the report