eynot yarden

Students from the Eynot Yarden School in Amir visit the I Liceum in Białystok

The eighth Polish-Israeli youth meeting took place in the Białystok liceum on 3 March 2017.

Over 200 people from both countries had fun together, played sport games, took part in workshops and shared a meal at table. They also had time to dance together, learning the Belgian and Israeli dances. Students of the Białystok school performed songs, accompanied by their friends on the piano, the flute and the violing. The meeting culminated with the speech of the Deputy Headmistress, who thanked all for the cooperation to date.

The students also went to Tykocin together, where they visited the synagogue and learned about the Jewish history of the town. Later both the Poles and the Israelis took part in a ceremony at Łopuchowa, commemorating the local victims of the Holocaust, the Jewish community of Tykocin, murdered there in 1941.

The project coordinator: Ania Buchowska